Sunday, April 17, 2011


How is it possible that I have 401 friends, when the maximum number of friends a citizen can have it 400? Hmm, I must really be popular then! ;D


Iteddy said...

Nothing offensive but its not that your popular its that u can have more then 150/400 freeinds i do 2

magiic said...

Actually, the highest number of friends a citizen can have is 400 and the maximum for non-citizens is 200 friends.

Iteddy said...

Nope citizens can have 400 non cits can have 150

epic brong/brong said...

yup non citizens 150 citizens 400 agents 350 and mods 1000 but you had 399 friends and you wanted to add t2 so they both accepted :)

epic brong/brong said...

or they wn
anted to add you and you accepted both :/